One of the top challenges partners experience when it comes to utilizing channel resources is the quality of content that is made available. If partners have access to a manufacturers’ marketing portal, there usually are minimal customization options. As a result of this lack of customization, partners are utilizing the same resources their competitors have access to, working with content that is too technical to digest, or using messaging that isn’t relevant to their target audience.
Custom Content, Not Cutting It
Research shows that 44% of buyers will repeat a purchase after having a personalized shopping experience. That experience can come in many different forms for an end user, but one of the best ways is through custom resources.
From a manufacturer standpoint, providing partners with content they can utilize is extremely valuable because no one can explain your solution or product better than you ─ it’s your business. But partners have a business of their own to run and want to stand out from other resellers. They want to see the ROI of participating in your channel program.
Allowing a partner to simply add their logo or tagline to a piece of content would speak volumes. It’s a way to showcase the partnership while also achieving the goals of both brands. Customization adds that personal touch partners want to instill in their customers to nurture loyalty.
Get to the Business Outcome
Outside of not being able to customize content, manufacturers’ assets tend to air on the side of being more technical than most buyers can comprehend. Content has to be digestible to a diverse target audience.
Partners have to market to a wide variety of personas including business owners, IT staff, end users and other business units. Only one of these four personas may have the technical expertise to understand the jargon used in most content. Every purchase effects each role in a very different way. Customizing messaging for those different personas and their business needs would be very useful for partners and their marketing practice.
Business outcomes have become one of partners biggest talking points when it comes to transforming quotes into closed business. Marketing should speak to the ultimate benefits that a solution or product offer a buyer. How can this purchase increase efficiency and overall business growth? This topic matters most to owners.
Talk Verticals to Me
When it comes to content, industry-specific resources are more likely to convert than general product-focused content. Yes, buyers want to know what the product does. But more importantly, they want to know how the product pertains to their specific business challenges.
Partners work primarily in the B2B space, which means they require assets that speak to the particular industries they serve. Some collateral meets these partner needs, but most are overly generalized. As industries evolve, so do their needs. Creating more vertically-centric content establishes the partner’s credibility with their customer and allows them to have an in-depth discussion.
In Conclusion
Partner marketing isn’t just about consistent messaging and utilizing multiple tactics until they’re heard. It’s about quality and strategically targeted messaging that shows the partner truly knows their customers.
While partners are, of course, more than welcome to create their own custom content, a lot of them don’t necessarily have the marketing resources or budget to do so. They rely on manufacturers to provide quality content as a stepping stone to connect with their customers.