AFV Blog
Sales and marketing best practices for the IT channel, and beyond.Are Your Platform Metrics Measuring Up?
Channel program platforms are a very important resource for partners. Developing marketing campaigns can be a daunting task for some partners depending on their company and business size. Utilizing the platforms available through a channel program,...
3 Reasons Partners Avoid Your Channel Program Content
One of the top challenges partners experience when it comes to utilizing channel resources is the quality of content that is made available. If partners have access to a manufacturers’ marketing portal, there usually are minimal customization options. As a...
Interest vs. Intent: The Reason Partners Need to Know the Difference
The difference between interest and intent may seem obvious. But when it comes to partner marketing, it’s a whole different story. Manufacturers and distributors build enablement programs to help partners grow their business. Partners inherently want to...
The Top 10 Ways to Enable Channel Partners
Partners are the lifeblood of the channel. As channel leaders, we are tasked with increasing revenues and driving strategic initiatives. Neither is possible without partner buy-in, participation, and ultimately, advocacy. Enabling partners to drive their...
Puzzled by Channel Enablement? A Look at the Key Pieces to Put Together
Channel enablement is a daunting task. It requires many pieces to fit together, sometimes detracting from the bigger picture, thus resulting in an unfinished puzzle and ineffective channel. There are three key pieces to successful channel enablement:...
Why your Channel Program is Burning Partners Out
Channel partners account for a large portion of revenues. But in our effort to maximize channel sales, we often put a lot of pressure on partners to perform. What new programs are rolling out this year? How are we incentivizing partners to sell more? Which...
The Layers of Channel Support Explained
There’s no clear definition of channel support when it comes to partner marketing. But maybe that’s because channel support consists of multiple layers, each enabling partners in a different way. Partner marketing programs need to enable partners, but what...
Why Partners Don’t Convert Leads
It should come as no surprise that partners are not great at converting leads. That’s why channel enablement programs exist in the first place. But in order to effectively support partners, we must first understand why it is difficult for them to convert...